Check for Burn Restrictions by Phone
DNR 1-800-323-BURN
Select 2 for Fire Danger and Outdoor Burning Information;
You are asked to enter the first letters of the county - SPOK(7765);
There are multiple Fire Danger Rating Areas (FDRAs) in Spokane County. We are in Foothills FDRA, press 1.
Also Call
Spokane Clean Air 477-4710
Select 3 for Other Outdoor Burning
Both of the above agencies regulate outdoor burning. One from a Fire Danger standpoint, the other from the Air Quality standpoint. On both lines, there are references to permits, rule burns, types of burning, etc. For more information about these, click on the link below to the Outdoor Burning brochure.
Check for Burn Restrictions Online
Department of Natural Resources
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
Both agencies regulate outdoor burning. One from a Fire Danger standpoint, the other from the Air Quality standpoint. On both sites, there are references to permits, rule burns, types of burning, etc. For more information about these, click on the link below to the Outdoor Burning brochure.